On/Off switch

£17.50 + VAT (£21.00 Inc VAT)

SKU: 50554 P-00825 Categories: ,


On/Off switch

The original “on/off” switch GSS4 (1.4 (1.4) A. 250v 5E4) has been discontinued and replaced.
The replacement switch is identical in slot size but instead of being a “slide” switch is a “rocker” type switch, with two vertical terminals as opposed to bent terminals.
This is easy to fit but DIY owners should note – you need to be able to solder connections.

Suitable also to fit in the following models –
Wolseley “Harrier” Mk II clipper
Wolseley “Falcon” clippers
Wolseley “Swift” Mk II clippers
Wolseley “Shear Genius” shearing machine

Part number: 50554

See parts diagram – body – item O